Elizabeth Hurley to do “Simple Life” type reality show

43 year-old sometimes actress Elizabeth Hurley is resorting to reality television to make some cash and prolong her waning fame. The British star known for wearing a safety pin dress and getting cheated on by Hugh Grant is going to start her own “Simple Life” type reality show. In her statement acknowledging the show, Hurley suggests that she’s going to be playing at rural life, and admits that even her husband was surprised to see her stuck in the mud for the first time:

Elizabeth Hurley is currently working on her own reality television program, which will focus on the life of the former actress in a country setting. The show will also give viewers opportunities to join her and her husband, businessman Arun Nayar, on their lavish estate.

According to reports, Elizabeth has just splashed out 3.3 million pounds on a 400-acre farm in the Cotswolds for the reality show. The star revealed she decided to work on the show since she is well aware that the audience is looking forward to seeing a completely different facet of hers. The actress also stated that Arun was taken aback at seeing her during the shoot of the show.

“I know that people always imagine me with perfect hair and stuck in high heels since I was a child, but that is not who I am, at least not all the time,” Elizabeth said in a statement. The beauty went on, “Even my husband got a surprise the first time that he saw me in the country. He found me in some Wellingtons covered in mud, with holes in my jersey, and he thought that I was playing a joke on him. But we English are not as elegant as we seem.”

[From Celebrity-Mania]

Hurley seems completely full of shit to me, and I have no interest in viewing whatever show she creates to pretend that she’s down to earth. It sounds like this would be featured on British television and we won’t be subjected to it much anyway. The Sun reports that she’s in talks at this stage, so it’s not a done deal. This is the woman who was accused of paying her maid $2.50 an hour and forcing her to work from 7:30 am to 3:00 am the next morning. When the maid complained about the long hours, she was kicked out of the couple’s NY home, where she lived at the time. If anyone deserves to be ignored it’s Hurley.

Elizabeth Hurley and Arun Nayer are shown at a fashion show on 5/24/08. Credit: DSM/ Fame Pictures.

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16 Responses to “Elizabeth Hurley to do “Simple Life” type reality show”

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  1. geronimo says:

    I’d probably watch it, but only to mock.

  2. KatzeOttawa says:

    Wow, washed up delusional actresses AREN’T just in Hollywood! How refreshing…

  3. Nan says:

    Sorry, but Liz has a bulbous nose. She could play ‘the joker’ in the next Batman series. Someone needs to speak to Erin Lauder about her choice of spokesmodels. The chance is coming up at the next “Lauder Dinner’ on Shelter Island this season.

  4. Jess says:

    She’s really not that pretty. Maybe her ugliness from the inside is starting to creep out.

  5. daisy424 says:

    I felt sorry for her with the whole Hugh Grant/hooker thing.
    She fails to interest me since she has become so self-absorbed.
    Let’s let the poor folks see how fabulous and rich I am?
    I’d rather stick needles in my eyes.

  6. Bodhi says:

    I don’t think she is elegant in the slightest!

    This all reminds me very much of Marie Antoinette’s “farm” at Versailles.

  7. Kevin says:

    “We English are not as elegant as we seem” hhhmmmm,,,,assume much? Don’t buy everyone saying she’s not attractive though? for 41? you guys have some high standards.

  8. Nan says:

    Kev, she is 43 as of June.

  9. vdantev says:

    The new sign of a faltering career: reality shows. I bet an Austin Powers sequel looks pretty good to her now.

  10. Kaiser says:

    I think the underlying gossip of this piece is that she needs money… maybe because her husband’s traditional family disowned him after the wedding???

    One can dream.

  11. neelyo says:

    Her breasts in that second pic just make me say “ouch!” That can’t be comfortable.

    Boring. This show will tank. I am so sick of reality shows. Bring back THE LOVE BOAT, FANTASY ISLAND and MURDER SHE WROTE. I want my has-beens in glamorous locales and getting killed. I don’t give a shit about their badly scripted so-called lives.

  12. Sprmcandy says:

    This woman has sold her soul to the devil for breast of doom.

  13. Anne says:

    This would be cool if it were unscripted but it will be a pr campaign for cheap-skate Hurly and her douche-bag husband. She’s probably looking to cash in with product lines such as cosmetics and her current clothing line, so this will be all about marketing her image.

    I wonder how her poor child is doing? I remember seeing him dressed in stiff formal wear all.the.time when he was a tot – gotta be fun being her kid.

  14. geronimo says:

    Ah, just remembered. She’s bringing out a range of organic or free-range products, can’t remember which, read it somewhere about a month ago, sourced from her farm.

    Mystery solved. Greed.

  15. Because I say So says:

    It’s a good thing she thinks she’s so hot, because no one else does

  16. gg says:

    Well her little Damien (nice name for an antichrist, but … 🙄 ) got tired of being dressed like Little Lord Fauntleroy and is working on his tattoo sleeves and face piercing in a vain attempt to prove he’s really a boy. heh.

    Liz is blissfully unaware that: a) nobody actually finds her ‘hot’; b) she’s gone braless too much and has loose, floppy, fatty tits, even though they’re not even very big; and c) snottiness? is oh, so unattractive.